Plant Growth Magic ✨🌿

Not knitting related content, but this is mesmerizing and the colours are a gorgeous palette!

I recently got a banana plant to keep indoors in a pot. Shortly after I brought it home, I noticed it had a new leaf emerging from the centre of its leafy spiral, and over the course of a week it looked like it grew over six inches/15 cm! So I was inspired to see just how much it was growing in a day with a time lapse video. This shows about twelve hours of growth.

I think you’re going to watch it on repeat like I did. Can’t look away!

P.S. This plant isn’t a standard banana plant, it’s Ensete ventricosum. According to Wikipedia the fruit is inedible but the roots are an important food. I’m just planning to stare adoringly at it though.

Once you’ve watched it a few hundred times, check out the oxalis and prayer plants in the background. I think I need to take time lapses of them too because they love to wake up and go to sleep in the most charming ways!

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