Are you registered for my Fiberside Chat?

Let’s Talk Yarn & Colourwork!

In case you missed my announcement (or forgot, let’s be real), I’m going to be a guest on Fiberside Chats with Longmont Yarn Shoppe on November 5, 2023!

I’m pretty passionate about exploring yarn and about colourwork and I absolutely loved combining those things in my yarn section in my new book, KnitOvation Stitch Dictionary. But I’ve got a lot more to say than could be crammed into those pages and I’d love to address your questions and conundrums about pairing yarn with patterned knits.

This event will happen on Zoom, which means it’s open worldwide and I do hope we get folks from all over joining us! 🌍 The cost is $20, which means you’ll not only be supporting me and my continuing work with pattern design, but you’ll also be chipping in to support the great work that Longmont Yarn does in organizing these events, and your choice of participating local yarn shops!

Register with your LYS at!

(And I’ll give one more plug for the following week’s chat with Mary Jane Mucklestone and Gudrun Johnston! I just reviewed their new book and tldr: I loved it!)

Andrea holding up colourful swatches with an identical motif but different kinds and gauges of yarn.

A graphic showing a photo of Andrea holding a messy pile of colourwork swatches. Text reads, “Andrea Rangel; Knitting in Colour: Choosing Yarn for Colourwork; November 5th 4pm Eastern, 3pm Central, 2pm Mountain, 1pm Pacific; Fiberside Chats."

A graphic showing a photo of Andrea holding a messy pile of colourwork swatches. Text reads, “Andrea Rangel; Knitting in Colour: Choosing Yarn for Colourwork; November 5th 4pm Eastern, 3pm Central, 2pm Mountain, 1pm Pacific; Fiberside Chats; Register at”

Will you be there? Let me know in the comments if you’ve signed up! And if you’ve got particular yarn and colourwork questions you’d like me to address, tell me those too.

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