🌟 Knit Stars Peek 🌟

A new season of Knit Stars is on sale right now and this instructor lineup is incredible!

Åsa Söderman
Francoise Danoy
Gayle Roehm
Gaye “GG” Glasspie
Jacqueline Cieslak
Meri Tanaka, Amirisu Magazine
Tatiana Sarasa
Tian Connaughton
Tina Tse
Yumiko Alexander

These folks will be bringing you lessons on knitting from where they are straight to you via an online knitting festival. Knit Stars has been doing this right for years now — this is their fifth season! I’m proud to be a teacher in 3.0, which you can now get at a special low price. You can even bundle it with the upcoming season to get an even bigger discount!

Want to get an example of the Knit Stars video content? Here’s a little clip of a simple but really powerful technique I teach in my workshop on colourwork from season 3.0.

Want to know more or get that discounted price? Click here for my affiliate link and I’ll get a commission if you decide to buy. Thank you!

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